Two of our wonderful MGs from the Class of 2015, Diana Stepita and Glenn Hendrick, answering local resident Patty Garcia's gardening questions at the April 23rd Farmers Market. Check out all the plastic bags with plant samples on the table! Lots of activity, lots of positive interaction with the community today. Thanks, Diana and Glenn! |
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The Master Gardeners will be at the SJI Farmers Market this Saturday April 16th to talk about weeds! The Market is from 10-1, stop on by our table to see samples, pamphlets and ask questions. Here are some of the weeds we will have:
Our Foundation Annual Meeting is Scheduled for Tuesday April 12th at the Friday Harbor Grange at 152 1st Street; walking distance from the ferry. The meeting starts with a complementary lunch, for San Juan Island Master Gardeners, catered by the Market Chef. You must preregister for lunch! Please email Nancy Forker ([email protected]). The lunch is followed by a short business meeting and presentation by Russell Barsh and Madrona Murphy on Bats in the San Juan Islands and their Value for Gardens and Gardeners.
Annual Meeting Agenda 11: 30am Welcome and introduction of Board Officers. Thank you to those going off the board or changing positions. Introduction of nominees. 11:45am Presentation by Island representatives on current projects and activities (5 minutes each) 12:00am Brief Foundation Update: Treasury statement, Native Plant Sale wrap up, Fall Gardening Workshop status, New Website, Fair and Salish Seed Project 12:10 Lunch 12:50 Presentation by Russell Barsh and Madrona Murphy on Bats in the San Juan Islands 1:50 Presentation of new board member vote Adjourn Foundation Board Quarterly Meeting at 9:00am to 11:00am at the Extension Office meeting room. All foundation members and guests are welcome to attend. 1. Overview for new board members and Board Binder 2. Native Plant Sale Wrap up in more detail 3. Fall Gardening Workshop 4. Discussion of Mission Statement and Potential Projects (Salish Seed Project) 5. Website 6. June 5 County Foundation Meeting 7. Next meeting A great article on the Native Plant Sale is in the San Juan Journal by Master Gardener Jane Wentworth. Check it out! Master Gardener Foundation Annual Native Plant Sale is here! Pre-Order Now for the Best Selection1/7/2016 Saturday, March 12, 9 a.m. – 12 noon, SJC Fairgrounds, Orcas Island Grange, or on Lopez at Sunset Builders Pre-Order Now for Best Selection (Pre-Order Online Here: Native Plant Sale) — from Master Gardener Jane Wentworth Happy New Year! It is time again for our Annual Native Plant Sale. The sale is scheduled for March 12, from 9 a.m. – 12 noon, on San Juan, Lopez and Orcas Islands. Now is the time to think about what to plant in late winter and early spring as we pour over plant and seed catalogs. This year we offer 20 species of evergreen and deciduous trees, shrubs and perennials including favorites like Red Flowering Currant, Evergreen Huckleberry and some new and noteworthy additions like Pacific Bleeding Heart, Licorice Fern, and Blue Elderberry. Some species have been selected particularly for being somewhat drought tolerant. Native plants are beautiful in the garden and landscape, are beneficial for wildlife, and improve habitat and plant diversity. Once established, native plants tend to require less maintenance and fertilizers than other landscape plants. Detailed Native Plant Descriptions are found here: Native Plant Descriptions March 12 from 9 a.m. – Noon is the day of the sale on San Juan Island at the Fairgrounds in Friday Harbor, the Orcas Island Grange, and at Sunset Builders on Lopez. A selection of additional plants will available for sale that day on San Juan. And all are invited that day to visit our Native Plant and Gardening Expo sponsored by the San Juan Conservation District. We are working again with the San Juan Conservation District this year to present a Native Plant Workshop prior to the plant sale. This free workshop will be open to everyone and is co-sponsored by the San Juan Conservation District and the San Juan Master Gardener Foundation. The date and time will be determined, stay tuned for details! Plant quantities are limited, so order now! The deadline for pre-orders is March 1. Check out our order form on our new website for a complete list of plants and descriptions. This year you can either order online or print out and mail in your order. For more information and the entire list of plants, to order online or print an order form, go to Native Plant Sale or call WSU Extension at 378-4414. The Native Plant Sale is coming soon! We will have several Native plant varieties for you to purchase. What a great way to attract native pollinators and birds to your backyard and keep our island environment healthy.
A press release featuring Washington State University’s Tree Fruit Research and Extension Center has been posted on the WSU LinkedIn and WSU Google Plus sites.
Please feel free to click on the URL links below and “share” the article to help extend the reach of these articles and news about the valuable work WSU Extension is doing. Also, if you haven’t already, please “follow” these sites, so you can help us share news about research and accomplishments at WSU in the future. Thanks in advance for your time and help. WSU Google Plus - WSU LinkedIn WSU LinkedIn (students and alumni) |
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The Master Gardeners are reaching out to improve and educate our community around gardening Archives
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